Companies often ask themselves what the importance of data analysis is if they already know who their customers are. But how well do they know their customers? Sometimes collecting the correct data can reveal surprising trends. Recent data collected by Medorion revealed that members at the age of retirement avoid taking their medication prescribed by their physician - but there’s more to it. The conclusions from this data surprised Medorion’s behavioral analysts.
An Unexpected Discovery
It seems counterintuitive. People who are still young and active and with enough income to live comfortably are generally expected to place higher value on their health and can afford medication. So, why would they intentionally avoid taking their medication?
Comprehensive data analysis at Medorion revealed that high-earners below the age of 80 are less likely to follow through on a medication cycle when the medication causes uncomfortable side effects. Not only are these members under the age of 80, but they are actually near the age of retirement. Analysis of additional behavioral data showed that this same demographic was more likely to engage with messages relating to side-effects, which provided further evidence to support this theory.
The Reasons Behind This Phenomenon
Even with a reason to support the data, a motive was still needed. Why would side-effects prevent high-earners in otherwise good health from avoiding their medication? Medorion’s Behavioral SaaS shows that while older populations may seem more fragile, they understand the value of health and are willing to tolerate unpleasant side effects. Adults in the 65-70 age group are less likely to tolerate side effects for what they consider minor health issues.
Additionally, due to their higher-income bracket, this member group believes they could find alternatives by spending more money. Added to this is the fact that many are embarrassed to approach their doctor to complain about side effects, and discontinue their medications altogether.
The shame people feel confiding in their doctor about side-effects or even the fact that they have stopped taking their medication makes this information extremely difficult to obtain - because they’re not reporting this phenomenon to anyone. This is the kind of insight that gets left behind in the waiting room.
Medorion’s Behavioral SaaS analyzed this information by identifying certain behavioral patterns, revealing those members who took multiple medications except for one. This confirms that they don’t have a problem with taking medication in general; they simply avoid taking one specific drug.
Access to this kind of insight allows health plans to identify the issue within this particular demographic and tailor a communication journey specifically suited to members with this concern. By creating strategic messaging channeled towards these customers’ needs, such as offering alternative medications or discussing side-effects, health plans could influence members to complete their medication cycle and consult their doctor to find alternatives.
Understanding the whys behind member behavior gives health plans the power to directly target their members with content they can personally relate to, preventing users from experiencing content fatigue while still managing to deliver the right message.
About Medorion
Medorion uses a combination of data collected by AI analyzed with behavioral science principles to help companies identify trends and anomalies and the reasons behind them. Medorion uses the information gathered from these trends to guide health plans through the process of creating personalized digital communications strategies that lead to higher user engagement and data-driven behavioral changes.
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