By Adi Jacobson, VP Marketing, MedOrion
The most exciting thing about working for MedOrion is having the potential to enact behavioral change at scale. The next most exciting is when that potential is recognized.
Our whole MedOrion team was overjoyed to win the 2021 Pfizer Vaccines Global Innovation Challenge. The Pfizer Global Challenges are a project of Pfizer’s Breakthrough Change Accelerator, they provide the winners the opportunity to collaborate with Pfizer in large scale pilot projects and expand from there, a great pharma partnership opportunity tech companies can ever hope for.
This particular challenge addressed the need to increase vaccination related information and education, something that MedOrion holds dear to our hearts and has been engaged in for a few years now. One of our early successes was working to increase HPV vaccination rates among 14 year olds in a large HMO, with over 2.5 Million members. By addressing each parent's health decision barrier when it came to vaccinating their adolescents, we were able to see a 6-12% increase in vaccination uptake. One of the most amazing results of that project was the journey each parent underwent to transform their behavior and say yes to vaccines. Parents responded deeply to having their concerns understood and addressed with real world facts and data that inoculated them against misinformation.
Today vaccination has become even more volatile as a patient education issue. With new strains of COVID threatening healthcare systems operations everywhere and reduction in children's vaccination rates of disease long forgotten to ever exist, the stakes are high to reduce opposition to immunization and make sure we keep ourselves and our children healthy.
Innovating the patient journey is one of MedOrion’s core missions. Our automated AI-based Health Behavior Management moves beyond the capacity of existing systems or services health organizations use. Previously even the most sophisticated healthcare education relied on the probability that an individual would be motivated by a certain message. Usually campaigns addressed demographics information based barriers to adherence without real health decision barriers individualization. We instead focus on “real life” persuasion, understanding WHY a specific individual is exhibiting a health barrier and what will drive them to a positive action. In this case, MedOrion can understand why people are reluctant to be immunized and what will move them to receive the vaccination, all in an automated SaaS platform. By offering this personally relevant approach, MedOrion avoids abrasion and offers more effective results in a shorter time frame, as well as on a global scale.
I was honored to present MedOrion’s solution at the Frontiers Health Global Conference in Milan. The conference showed how quickly healthcare innovators have adapted to the changing landscape created by the COVID pandemic, from the personal level (try networking with your face covered by a mask) to the array of telehealth and remote solutions now reaching the mainstream. The experience reiterated the need for individualized health persuasion to help guide patients through this new healthcare reality.
Even after seeing the stiff competition offered by the other finalists, we felt confident that MedOrion offered everything needed to meet the Pfizer Challenge. We were delighted that the judges felt the same.
Being awarded first prize was a vote of confidence in the technology that our whole team has dedicated the past four years to developing. Working in collaboration with the Pfizer team, we look forward to scaling our offering to bring an increase in vaccine awareness and adherence to populations around the world. Doing our small part in the fight against COVID and other diseases, to truly help support better health, everywhere.